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Off-Campus Access to Library Resources

ARTStor Login


WAYful Login: You can access ARTStor at:  To access, click the "Log in" button, located on the top right.

ARTSto log in button

Under the "Log in through your Institution" heading, type "Sharjah" in the text box and select AUS from the list. 

ARTStor select institution

Once AUS is selected, click on the "Log in" button: 

ARTSto login button

The AUS login prompt will appear, sign in with your campus username and password. 

AUS sign in prompt

Note: to access ARTStor you are required to register for an ARTStor account. You will be asked to link both your ARTStor account and you AUS institutional account. More information can be found on: ARTStor Shibboleth webpage.  

Once you have linked your ARTStor account you will be taken to the ARTStor home page, on the top you will see "Access provided by American University of Sharjah".

ARTStor Logged in message

You can now use ARTStor from off-campus.