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Off-Campus Access to Library Resources



WAYful Login: American Chemical Society Journals (ACS) is :  You'll see the login link on the upper right.  Click on "Find my institution"

ACS log in

On the left you'll get a search box where you can type "Sharjah" or "American University of Sharjah" to find AUS.  On the right you'll see a list of Federations where you can scroll to find InCommon, the Federation AUS belongs to.

ACS federation list

Look for US Higher Education (InCommon) and click on it:

ACS InCommon selection

This will show you the list of InCommon members.  Click on "American University of Sharjah".

ACS InCommon list

The AUS login prompt will appear, sign in with your campus username and password.

AUS sign in prompt

ACS will return to their home screen, and in the upper right-hand corner you will see "Access provided by AMER UNIV SHARJAH" :

ACS access provided by AUS

You can now use ACS from off-campus.