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JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)

Syllabus Mapping Service

JoVE provides syllabus mapping services, which involve aligning JoVE videos with the syllabus and courses. They also offer support to faculty members who may require assistance in navigating relevant resources or integrating these videos and quizzes into their course pages. These services are included in the AUS JoVE subscription.

If you are interested in mapping your course to JoVE videos, please contact your Liaison Librarian (see link below).

How to Create a Playlist

You can create a playlist using the Video ID codes listed below. 

  1. Create a personal JoVE Account (see instructions on this guide)
  2. Click on your JoVE account (the blue circle in the upper right corner)
  3. Click "My Playlists"
  4. "Create New Playlist"
  5. Give your playlist a name 
  6. Click "Add Videos in Bulk"
  7. Paste the following video ID codes from the list below
  8. Make any changes you want to the playlist.