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University Library

JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)

Creating a JoVE Account

You don't need an account to watch videos, but if you want to create playlists or embed content into courses, you will need to create an account and password. Faculty and Instructors: Make sure you select the role of “Professor / Instructor” when creating your account. This will enable students to access the videos off-campus.

Go to the Library Homepage > Databases > JoVE

Click on Sign In > Create an Account

JoVE sign in - Create an Account

Enter your AUS email address

Create Your Account. Enter your AUS email address.

Check your inbox for the verification email.

A verification email has been sent to your AUS email

Follow the instructions to complete the account set up.

If you are faculty or an instructor, ensure you select that role when you set up the account.

Getting Help without Librarian

For help during academic calendar weekends, final exams & semester breaks:

P: 06-515 2277

The Library Service Desk is located on the ground floor of the library.

Research consultations are useful for those working on:

  • In-depth research projects and assignments
  • Thesis / dissertations
  • Literature review

They are available to currently enrolled students, faculty, or staff only. To book a consultation, please complete the following form.