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Library Service Desk Guide for Student Assistants

Course Reserves

What are Course Reserves?

Every semester, some professors place additional reading materials for their
students in the library course reserves collection to borrow for limited periods of time.

The material can be textbooks, books, and DVDs. Items available
electronically, such as ebooks, are added to the course reserves online platform
in WorldCat Discovery
course reserves. Course reserves stack is on
the Ground Floor next to the Library Service Desk.

Search the Course Reserves System (on WorldCat Discovery)

  • Use this link course reserves to locate reserve items available for the courses offered for the current semester.
  • Search for the course reserves material by typing the course number or the faculty name in the search box. 
  • Once the item is found, give the patron the call number and direct them to the course reserves stack. Course reserve materials are shelved alphabetically based on the course codes (shown on the spine label).
  • Advise patrons to use the reserve materials inside the library and return them to the trolley located next to the course reserves stack after use. If the patrons check out a reserved material, they have to return it to the Access Service Desk.
  • For electronic reserves items, show patrons how to access them by logging into their library accounts course reserves platform.