This At a Glance infographic provides an overview of the library's collection and services.
The library's website includes all the information that you need to know about the AUS Library policies and services.
Please watch the virtual tour of the library to learn more about spaces available in the library building. Link to the video is available below.
The library provides access to more than 145,000 print and media items; over 95,000 full-text e-journals; 655,000 ebooks; and more than 55 online databases to support research and teaching needs of all AUS students, faculty and staff. To know more about the library collections and their locations, please review the link below.
Room Reservation:
The library has 16 group study rooms, 10 presentation rooms, 2 semester rooms, all designed for collaborative work. These rooms are limited to use by two or more students, and located on the first floor. All rooms have to be booked in advance. Reservation times are 30 minutes to 2 hours. 4 bookings per week per type of room. To know more about the room reservation policy and location visit:
Library Service Desk:
The desk is located on the ground floor of the library. Patrons stop by this desk to get assistance with the following services:
Research assistance
wifi configuration and computer troubleshooting
Finding books and articles on the online catalog
Locating materials on the shelves
Using electronic resources like databases and ebooks
Lost and found
Events and workshops:
The Library offers a range of workshops and class instruction sessions throughout the semester to help students get started with research. For current offering, visit
The Library provides a range of online services to serve the AUS community.
Click and Collect:
This Service is available only to AUS faculty, students, staff and Alumni.
Faculty residing on campus can either collect library items from the Library Service Desk or have them delivered to their AUS campus residence.
Please check the link below for more details.
Click and Post:
This service is available to AUS Faculty, students, staff and Alumni residing off campus and it is free of charge.
Please check the link below for more details.
Scan and Send:
This service is available to AUS Faculty, students, staff and Alumni. They can request scans of print book chapters or journal articles, in compliance with copyright rules, to be sent to them by email.
Please check the link below for more details.
Learn more about the library's policies for borrowing, renewals, accessing materials and more.