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RefWorks Guide

This guide will introduce you to this helpful online citation tool.

Merging separate documents using RefWorks to create a single bibliography

Merging separate documents using RefWorks to create a single bibliography
1. Make sure you save individual backups of original documents
2. Open a new blank document in Word
3. Copy document 1 text (not references) and paste document 1 text into a new word document.
Your citations will still be in the text.
4. Copy document 2 text (not references) and paste document 2 text into the new word document
created earlier. Your citations will still be in the text.
5. Open the RCM add-on in word
6. Select the “hamburger” menu button and turn “Bibliography: ON”
7. From the same menu select “Document and references”. This will refresh your new document
with recent updates.
A new bibliography will be generated in a single document. The citations should be arranged