This 7 minute video will demonstrate various features of writing with RefWorks.
Learn how to effectively use:
RefWorks citation manager
RefWorks for Google Docs, and
Quick Cite
Microsoft Office Store Troubleshooting
If you encounter an error when you try to download the Word Add-On, please do the following:
Open a new ticket in or an email to and clearly mention the name of the add-on (e.g. "RefWorks Citation Manager" or "Cite with Mendeley") in the subject/description.
Give the Operating System details (e.g. Windows or MacOS) and version (e.g. Windows 10/11, Monterey 12.5.1)
Give type of Office installation (where did you get Office: AUS Office 365 plan, personal license, self-installed, etc.)
Clearly describe your issue (e.g. Office store not available, Add-on not showing up, Office store blocked, etc.) preferably with screenshots.
AUS ICT service desk will then get back to you with a solution or workaround.