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Digital Humanities Library Guide

Digital Humanities : a Definition

"Digital Humanities represents the utilization of innovative computer and digital technologies to advance and transform the research and scholarship in arts, literatures, history, philosophy, and other social sciences and humanities disciplines into new forms of knowledge creation or repurposeful production. From early stage of computer encoding and classification of humanities materials. the advent of technology has made new breakthroughs in Digital Humanities. The high-performance computing technology has more extensive and expansive capacities to do data mining and textual analysis. A myriad range of tools to digitize, archive, process, analyze, and visualize data in all forms have been developed for multiple ways of expression, such as print, audio visual, 3D modeling. and GIS (geographic information systems) mapping." 
Wong, S.-han R., Li, H., & Chou, M. (Eds.). (2019). Digital humanities and scholarly research trends in the asia-pacific. Information Science Reference. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from 





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