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University Library

Language Dictionaries

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Finding Books

The AUS Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System.

To find library resources search in the AUS Library catalog.

To browse the shelves for resources in different languages, try the following call numbers:

PE English Language
PJ6001-8517 Arabic Language
PC2001-3761 French Language
PG2001-2826 Russian Language

Welcome to Language Dictionaries

Welcome to the Language Dictionaries subject guide.

Use the tabs to locate resources for specific language that will help you get started with your research. 

English Dictionaries

Online English Dictionaries

Getting Help

Research Help

   Library Service Desk
   Ground floor, AUS Library
   06 5152277
  Open during library hours


For help during academic calendar weekends, final exams & semester breaks, email:

Modified hours for Ramadan & summer semester