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AUS Library Homepage
University Library


Finding Books

The AUS Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System.

To find library resources search the AUS Library catalog.

To browse the shelves for resources in philosophy, try the following call numbers:

B69-99D General works
B108-708 Ancient
B720-765 Medieval
B770-785 Renaissance
B790-5802 Modern
B808-849 Special topics and schools of philosophy
B850-5739 By region or country
B5800-5802 By religion

Suggest A Book

Do you know of a book that you think the library should purchase?

Fill out our Suggest a Book form:

Library Books

Getting Help

Research Help

   Library Service Desk
   Ground floor, AUS Library
   06 5152277
  Open during library hours


For help during academic calendar weekends, final exams & semester breaks, email:

Modified hours for Ramadan & summer semester