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University Library

Design Management

New Art and Design Books

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WorldCat Search

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Suggested keywords and subject terms

Use the following suggested keywords in WorldCat (the AUS Library Catalog) to find books and other items in the library. 

  • Branding
  • Exhibition design
  • Graphic design
  • Industrial design
  • Interior design
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Media design
  • Packaging design
  • Product design
  • Project management
  • Retail design
  • Service design
  • Web design

Browse the shelves for books and DVDs

The AUS Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System.

To find library resources search in the AUS library catalog.

To browse the shelves for resources in design management, try the following call numbers:

HF5001-6182 Business
NC1-1940 Drawing. Design. Illustration
TS155-194 Production management. Operations management